Saturday, March 16, 2013

Thank you

Hey guys I wanted to let you all know that I appreciate your views than so again thank you from the bottom os my heart.....

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Almost time for school (yay)

You know whats really funny to me ; when your at school you don't want to be there ,but when your at home you want to be at school. That happens to me all the time its really frustrating but for some reason I like being at school more than home( not that theirs something wrong with being at home because I like being there too. Ok guys talking to you soon. Thanks for reading my blog have a wonderful day

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spring break part 2

Hey guys it's spring break have you been outside yet. well if you haven't you need to enjoy the beautiful scenery go start a garden maybe even a garden club. Don't just sit on your couch all day just remember only five more days till your break is over. ;0)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Spring break

Hey guys its spring break time to party. Do you need your grass cut go to daniel and sons lawn to get cheap prices

Monday, March 4, 2013


In middle school theres always friend drama and what causes it is the he said she said stuff really and trully, theres no need for friends now im not against having friends in school; well I have them to who dose't in middle school. What im saying is you dont need to worry about what your friends said or what other people say that your friends said that whats starts the drama in the first place. So just remember talk to your friends when its appropriate during school

Sunday, March 3, 2013

This year is going by really fast....

I was at school the other day and they said STARR was coming up next month I was shocked. I told my self dang its almost the end of the year, and.there still so much I got to learn before im ready for the STARR. so I got in tutoring for the classes I need more help on. So just remember dont have to much at school because you will never get the work done.